
As both the “science of sustainable agriculture” and a political project, agroecology works to decentralize power and promote equity and ecological resilience in our food systems. For an introduction to this issue, download our Food First Issue Primer on Agroecology

Opening a Window for Agroecology at the FAO

Food First News & Views | Food First | Aug 15, 2015

Summer 2015, Vol. 37, No. 137 Agroecology—the science of sustainable agriculture—is finding more support within the United Nations.

Mali: Agroecology is in Our Hands!

Blog | La Vía Campesina | Feb 26, 2015

Sélingué, 24 February 2015 – Today, the sun has risen brighter than ever in Mali to warm the more than…

Agroecology and the Disappearing Yield Gap

Blog | Eric Holt-Giménez | Dec 10, 2014

The more scientists actually study agroecology, the better it looks. The largest meta-analysis to date comparing yields of organic and…

This World Food Day, Agroecology is Center Stage

Blog | Tiffani K. Patton | Oct 16, 2014

“Currently, most subsidies go to large agribusiness. This must change. Governments must support small farmers” – Hilal Elver, incoming Special…