Food First


Ways to Help Us

Support Food First

Food First’s work is made possible by a vast network of donors, supporters, and partners based in the US and globally. This support has allowed us to maintain the strong, critical, and independent voice Food First is known for. There are numerous ways to support Food First and we hope you will consider doing so!

Your contributions support our organization’s efforts to combat the root causes of unnecessary hunger and poverty by delivering critical analysis and education along with community-level food-oriented initiatives. Together, we are a powerful movement fighting for fairness, access, and affordability of nutritious food for everyone! 

Choose a way to support us below!

Choose a Way to Support Food First

We'll put your tax deductible gift to work right away to support grassroots movements and organizers.

Donating highly appreciated stock allows you to avoid capital gains tax on it.

For as little as $3 a month you can join our Sustainer's Circle. This helps Food First plan ahead and accomplish even more.

With a legacy donation you can make a much larger donation than you could afford to give during your lifetime.

Who do you admire for standing up for what they believe in? Here's your chance to tell them and/or their family members.