Food First


A talented group of early career thought leaders, who are dedicating their careers to supporting grassroots struggles and advancing the global movement for food sovereignty, have been selected for the 2022-2023 cohort of Food First Fellows.

Please meet the 2022-2023 cohort of Food First Fellows.
person holding blue berry with strawberry dessert shallow focus photography

Our Seed + Grants Program is a participatory grantmaking process

by which we seek to fund primarily emergent, small, and grassroots

organizations and groups that don’t have access to traditional

sources of wealth. We aim to support groups and organizations

whose work intersects clearly with building food justice and food

sovereignty. In FY23 we supported two projects – Beekeeping

Awareness Project in Oakland, CA, and Change Today, Change

Tomorrow in Louisville, KY.



Learn more about the Seed + Grant Program.

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