Food First

Giving Tuesday

Join Us in the Fight Against Hunger

We’re excited to kick off our Giving Tuesday campaign, and we invite you to be a part of something truly impactful. Giving Tuesday is a special day when you can help Food First secure an extra $1,000 just by making a contribution! We’ll tell you how in a moment.

Every day, millions in the U.S. and billions worldwide face food insecurity, malnutrition, and unjust access to resources.

The pandemic devastatingly amplified food inequality worldwide. Today globally, up to 811 million people face chronic malnutrition. Here in the U.S., 1 in 10 adults and 1 in 6 children lack reliable access to affordable, nutritious food.

For over 50 years, Food First has fought to create a more just and sustainable food system for all. We know that a future free from hunger is possible – but only with the generosity of our supporters.

Right now, we’re working to:

  • Support livable wages for farmers, food system workers, and consumers
  • Increase access, accessibility, affordability and the availability of culturally appropriate nutritious food
  • Shift government support away from industrial agribusiness towards local, agroecological food production
  • Amplify the voices of equity-focused food justice leaders catalyzing community resilience
  • Protect the rights of Indigenous peoples to care for their ancestral homelands.

This Giving Tuesday we are asking you to join us in the fight against hunger and poverty. Your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. If you feel inspired to give, please click the link below. Your donation will fund critical programs that advance the food justice movement. This year, our Board of Directors has committed to matching the first $1,000 raised. Our goal is to raise the $1,000 needed to secure this match. So every dollar you give today and through November 28th will double your contribution!

Can we count on your support?

Your support will help Food First continue to dismantle the root causes of hunger and poverty. For almost 50 years, Food First has remained committed to growing an informed, transformative, and flourishing food justice movement. Thank you for being part of our mission to build a better, more equitable world.

Warm regards,

Food First